Saturday, August 6, 2011

Toliver Family Round 7


Good news! I found the photos I had taken for Toliver.

Malcolm has been working hard and earned a promotion to CEO.

and he wasn't the only one. ariel became an understudy.

Who is Curtis Davison? why does he want to steal the Toliver's newspaper?

No Baxter. Denise doesn't want to be a werewolf. Joseph does.

Kaitlyn takes time out from her political duties to help Joseph with his homework.

Ariel gets another chance card.

Which does not go well for Ariel. Demoted again. Sorry Ariel.

It is Denise's turn for a chance card. Will she fare any better?

Yes she did! Congratulations Denise!

Denise invited Curtis to live with her and her family. Now we know who Curtis Davison is.

Curtis has a LTW of reaching the top of the Criminal career track.

Denise proposes to Curtis. Will he accept?

Yes he Will! Congratulations to both of you.

Congratulations Kaitlyn! You finally made it!

Looks like someone is celebrating, and it's not Kaitlyn.

Just Curtis & Denise enjoying a little premarital woohoo.
(They don't get married in this round. Maybe next)

Dogfight! Ariel and Marvin are at it again and everyone is picking their favorite. I don't remember who won.

Kaitlyn gets a chance card but doesn't accept the offer. Will it pay off or be a bust?

Yes! A handsome reward for doing her job.

I guess if you fiddle around, you end up paying the piper.

Two more promotions. Maybe this time Ariel can move on up.

Kaitlyn brought this woman home from work. She must be a mayor from another town.

Congrats, Marvin! Way to show Ariel how to do it.

Kaitlyn, Didn't I warn you about this before?

Guess who? Her name is Sophie.

Everyone in the family wanted to see her.

Curtis gets a chance card and decides to use the crossbow.

Yes it does, to the tune of 2 mechanical skill points and 20000 simoleons.

And he got a nice promotion. Way to go Curtis!

Malcolm decided to go digging for treasure. All he found was a map.

Birthday time for Miss Sophie.

Isn't she a little cutie?

Thus ends another round.

Next Round: Xavier Family1 round 7